Endometrial biopsy
What is an endometrial biopsy?
Endometrial biopsy, or EMB, is a 10-minute office procedure performed by a gynecologist. It is used to sample the lining of the uterus and is different than a Pap smear, which evaluates the cells on the cervix. Ultimately, EMB is a screening test for uterine cancer.
Why do I need an EMB?
There are three reasons to do an endometrial biopsy: thickened uterine lining seen on ultrasound, endometrial cells on Pap, or heavy vaginal bleeding with no other explanation.
What can I expect from my EMB?
The night before your EMB, we ask that you take an oral pill called Cytotec. This pill may cause menstrual-type cramping or even vaginal bleeding. It softens and slightly opens the cervix to make the procedure easier on both you and your doctor. The procedure takes about 10 minutes and is slightly uncomfortable. You will likely experience moderate cramping during the procedure which quickly decreases once the procedure is complete.
When will I know the results?
It takes about 7-10 days to get the results of your EMB. Your provider will call you with those results regardless of the findings.